Creative Technologist

He Did That

The Untapped Power of Multi-Disciplinary Design Teams: Beyond Traditional Boundaries

At their core, multi-disciplinary design teams should comprise individuals from fields far removed from design, such as psychology, engineering, business, technology, anthropology, and more, alongside traditional design roles like graphic, industrial, and UX/UI designers. This amalgamation of disciplines fosters a melting pot of ideas, approaches, and methodologies that enrich the design process.

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Project Management for Creatives: 12 handy tips

It’s easy to deprioritise project management in favour of just doing it, or conversely, dogmatise a process at the behest of creativity. It’s an understandable challenge: creativity rarely abides to a schedule, but creative agencies need to deliver on time. How many of us have fallen into the trap of taking our own pace with things, only to find the final weeks before delivery are perpetual crunch to make the deadline?

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